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Author Archives: hank

健祐全精華液取得健康食品認證 健祐全PPLs®精華液–免疫調節新選擇


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The 27th International Great Health Industry Expo

IHE China – InterHealth Expo (IHE) is affiliated with Informa Exhibitions and is a well-known international B2B nutrition and health food exhibition. It is held in Guangzhou Canton Fair in June. As the first flagship exhibition to introduce the concept of “big health” into the China Convention and Exhibition Platform, the Great Health Expo is currently the largest health food exhibition in China.


廣州國際大健康產業博覽會IHE China – InterHealth Expo(IHE)隸屬于英富曼會展集團(Informa Exhibitions),是知名的國際性B2B營養保健食品專業展會,每年6月在廣州廣交會展館舉辦。作為首家將“大健康”概念引入中國會展平台的旗艦展,大健康博覽會是目前中國最大的健康食品展。

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NBM Was On Board to Mainland’s Market

Entrusted by the Dongguan Municipal Government, the “Dongguan Project”, which is implemented by Hukui Biotechnology Corporation, has successfully reached the goal of matching 20 Taiwanese company. The mayor of Dongguan, Liang Weidong especially met with the chairman of Hukui Biotechnology Corporation, the chairman of Trans Regional Biotechnology Association, and the representatives of 20 enterprises of the “Dongguan Project”.

新南向國際論壇 引領台灣大未來

經濟部為了讓企業掌握新南向國家最新市場情資,與財團法人商業發展研究院昨(29)日一同舉辦《New Vision新南向大躍進.引領臺灣大未來-國際高峰論壇新南向ING 東協/印度國際論壇》,邀請開拓新南向市場寫下亮麗成績的臺灣企業,以及成功立足亞洲市場的日本、印度、新加坡、馬來西亞企業與韓國化妝品產業研究院代表,分享經營東協、印度市場的見解與心得。

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